
Click Here For Full Calendar

IB: Intermediate Band
CG: Colorguard
CO: Chamber Orchestra
CB: Concert Band
JBA: Jazz Band A
JBB: Jazz Band B
PE: Percussion
SB: Symphonic Band
SO: String Orchestra
WG: Winterguard
WP: Winter Percussion


Kastner Dance Class

About Us

The Kastner Dance class occurs during 2nd period and is an elective open to all 7th and 8th grade Kastner students. The class focuses on dance technique in several areas of dance including ballet, jazz, contemporary and modern. In addition to working on dance technique, we will be learning choreographed dances for our recitals in the fall and spring. During the winter months we will be competing against other middle schools as a winterguard by incorporating props into our routines. 

Schedule: (coming soon)



Kastner Dance Instructors

Christian Casas

Klarissa Borboa

If you have questions please email Marco Paim at